Molly the dog is cold and wet on her tight chain in her muddy yard. When she finally breaks her chain and escapes, danger lurks around the corner. Billy and Anna want to help Molly stay safe and warm, but they can’t do it alone. With the help of their classmates and the community, Billy and Anna find a creative way to get Molly Out of the Cold.
Out of the Cold is based on the true story of the Lakes Animal Friendship Society’s Doghouse Project.
Authors: Valerie Ingram & Alistar Schroff
Illustrator: Amanda Moeckel

Since 2009, our volunteers have worked with elementary, secondary and college students, as well as other community members to build, or refurbish and distribute over 300 houses to dogs and cats in need. The Hofer One Sheet of Plywood Doghouse Plan is included with each book.
All proceeds will support our programs to help northern dogs and cats: student and community education about animal care, compassion and bite safety; dog / cat houses for animals in need, pet food for animals in need, and spay/neuter services for animals from lower income families.
This beautifully-illustrated book, which is based on a true story, is a winner in every way. There’s no blame, no finger-pointing, and no preaching — Out of the Cold is a slice of reality in a world of harsh economy and cold winters. It’s just frightening enough to keep readers on the edges of their seats but don’t worry, thanks to the goodhearted and creative people in the community, it has a very happy ending.
Judy Johns, M.S., Director, Marketing and Communications, The Latham Foundation for the Promotion of Humane Education
Fences For Fido loves this sweet little book that speaks to the heart of friends and communities coming together to help care for the animals who live outside. The energy, compassion and imagination of children, coupled with the support and encouragement of adults, can achieve amazing outcomes, as happens for Molly and Max. You’ll be inspired to create your own magic for cats and dogs who live outside. We believe that this little book will help change lives, far beyond what the authors and illustrator may ever know.
Sue Heublein, Fences for Fido Board Member

I really like the story! The book covers several key aspects of being a responsible pet owner. I look forward to the time when educated, responsible pet ownership and resources to help all individuals with companion animals are the norm for our society. Humane education is the key to enlightenment and a more peaceful world for all
Dr. Jeff Young, founder of Planned Pethood Plus and star of “Dr Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet