We have joined forces with CARE (Coastal Animal Rescue and Education) Network Society (based in Tofino) to bring their charitable work under the new umbrella. They offer similar programs: education about animal care, compassion and dog bite safety; spay / neuter assistance, and other supports for low-income families including pet food and shelter for communities including six First Nations communities. We are both well-respected organizations with deep roots in our communities. We have built a relationship by working on projects together for several years. With LAFS’s strengths in education, and CARE’s expertise delivering veterinary services and programs as well as helping communities with effective bylaws and enforcement – and our stronger combined voice – we see great changes on the horizon.
THE NAME MAY HAVE CHANGED, BUT OUR PROGRAMS CONTINUE IN THE LAKES DISTRICT! This includes all our programs such as SpayAid, the pet food partnership with the LINK Food Centre, and all the top-notch education materials we make freely available to local students (Hey, teachers! Let us know if you need more.).
LOCAL DONATIONS WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT LOCAL PROGRAMS! We are committed to using Lakes District funds for Lakes District programs. And the Increased ACCESS team and its Board are pushing hard to get additional outside funding for the valuable work we do in our communities, which are underserved relative to more urban centres. The whole point is to create Increased ACCESS to the resources we need to keep everyone happy, healthy and safe – including our furry family members.
You can find more information about the new organization here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wyoc9bed6l4yoatvn54mo/Increased-ACCESS-Newsletter.pdf?rlkey=0kq5teq1zi8ku8vxcdm5vvul8&dl=0
Please reach out to us with any questions. The new organization website is increasedaccess.org, but you can still find everything you need on lakesanimalfriendship.ca while we get the new system up and running. Our donation information and CanadaHelps donation page have all been updated to the new charity name.